It's the little things.

Every time I hear an HR manager tell me to have a scannable resume it makes me wonder. I understand that major companies receive hundreds of resumes a day, so key words must stand out as they do not have the time to reach each one in its entirety. How does one separate themselves from the rest? The competition is so fierce anyone will do almost anything just to get into a company. Only to what? Have a boss and hopefully work your way up the corporate ladder in hopes of a high paying position so you can feed yourself and your family? Well yes, sadly this is the dream of many.

The life of a college student is stressful for most, but for those who don't appreciate these times in their lives will regret it forever. We spend so much time wishing and praying for that time when we will be self sufficient and financially secure, only to realize that time is the resource we will never obtain more of. We wish we were that stressful college student again without any thought of what its really like to feel old.

It's still life, and you're your own boss. With the exception of your parents, there is no one telling you what to do but yourself. Once you land that high paying corporate job, there is still someone making more money than you. Someone using your abilities to make more money for themselves. The career path of true passion is a rare one and is not sacrificed enough for that fear of unstable finances. This is how the majority of people live their lives and I refuse to let it suck time from mine.